
Service Pins

If anyone has reached the 5 years in increment in membership since 2020, stop by the office at your convenience to pick up your pin.

2022 Security Breach Info

Local 673 received an email from General President James T. Callahan on 04/18/2022

To all U.S. Business Managers:

I have been informed that Participants and Retirees of the Central Pension Fund may have been affected by a data security breach involving one of the Central Pension Fund’s vendors, Horizon Actuarial Services. My understanding is that it was Horizon’s systems, and not the Central Pension Fund’s systems, that experienced this data breach. However, because of the incident, certain Personal Identifiable Information of the Fund’s Participants and Retirees may have potentially been exposed, such as names, dates of birth, and social security numbers.

Your respective members may have begun receiving letters about the incident directly from Horizon. An example of that letter is attached this email for your information. As you will note, the letter directs Participants to contact a call center staffed by Horizon’s cyber security vendor, Kroll Inc. (1-855-541-3574). It also provides instructions on how to access a 24-month identity monitoring subscription.

While the Central Pension Fund is encouraging Participants to contact the Kroll call center at 1-855-541-3574 in the first instance, Participants can also feel free to contact CPF Chief Executive Officer Joe Shelton at (202) 895-0603, or CPF Fund Counsel, Anna Lofton, at (202) 895-0604, if they have any additional questions after contacting Kroll.

We strongly encourage anyone that is affected by this to call the phone number listed above to protect yourself from any potential identity theft.

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